Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Neon Gifts New Collection - شي حلو و حيل عجبني

The Neon Gifts collection is available for purchase from theneongifts.com
or you can also follow them on instagram @theneongifts .. 

!! حيل عجبتني أفكارهم .. و أظرف العيادي روعة 


  1. paying money to buy a thing to put money in to give away ... wonderful!

    this is what society has became ... a bunch of retards selling cupcakes and this thing X'D

  2. Good morning dear,

    Please forward your contact details to Nasreen.mahmood@traccs.net

    I would like to invite you to an upcoming event and I have to send you the invitation through email.

    Hoping to hear from you soon.

    Nasreen =)
